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In frustration, I cried out to God:

“Lord, why have you made me so difficult? There is no job description that will ever fit me, that will ever fulfill all the passions you have placed within me. There is no place in the world for me. Must I carve out my own? Do I have to fight for a place in which to be who I am?”

in love, He responded to me:

“LeAnn, I have you. Do you really think I messed up when I created you? Have I not shown you that I know what I’m doing? Come on, girl. I will go before you, I will carry you in a pillar of fire. Remember all the times I have made a way for you in the past? I’m still capable of that, much more than you know. My hands will carve out space for you to be in. I know you, don’t you remember? I know each and every detail of your heart, your mind, your being. I know how to make a space that will fit you just right. I have put much in you because I want to do much through you. Rest in me, and do not fear. 

You have my permission to BE.

You bring me so much glory when you BE.

I delight in you, and I love it when you just BE.”