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Lately I’ve been noticing that I keep going back to the places that give me life.

Kentucky gives me life with its rolling green hills, honeysuckle covered fence rows, and twisting creek beds that cut across the land. My dog Maggie is there too, and she definitely gives me life.

Illinois gives me life. I find solace in the way the sunsets last for hours and light shines sideways through the trees.

Georgia gives me life. I see peace in the thick woods and I see strength in the people who walk next to me.

Guatemala gives me life. My soul dances in the beauty of the mountains and volcanoes. The vibrant colors of the buses, buildings, and fabric bring joy to my heart. The smiling faces and silliness of the people there make me smile and feel silly too.

And I am SO excited to tell you that I’ll be spending the month of July in Guatemala!

I’ll be leading an Ambassador trip of ~20 high school students and serving in Antigua and Panajachel. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with this opportunity, not only to lead incredible students as they seek to serve him, but to do it in a country that I love so deeply. Each time I’ve been to Guatemala I have come alive in a new way and I’m excited to see what God brings to life in me this time.

Seriously hoping and praying that I get to see this kid again.

Its also a blessing that I don’t need to raise money to lead this trip, however I am still raising money to cover my time at CGA. I am in need of $1,151. Please pray about making a donation. 

Spend some time this week pondering where you find life, and where life finds you.